Ethiopia Shoondhisa is rare, aromatic, light and highly drinkable

Ethiopia Shoondhisa is rare, aromatic, light and highly drinkable

February 2023

Our latest offering comes to us from Shoondhisa in Ethiopia’s Guji zone, where smallholder family farms are the norm.These small, meticulously tended farms (averaging about 2.5 hectares, or about 5 football fields) produce exceptional coffee beans that have a clean, sweet flavor profile, and are fully organic.
The farmer of Shooondhisa, an aromatic and light coffee, is Ture Waji for Sookoo Coffee. In this region of Guji, farmers like Ture farm their own family crops right alongside the coffees.The coffee plants tend to be planted farther apart, which gives them more space and nutrients, but necessarily a smaller overall yield. That's not all that makes them special.
The “natural” or “dry” process is a truly hands on process that involves drying the coffee bean in the sun while it is still encased in the coffee cherry. This imbues the beans with a fresh, fruity essence, and multi-layered flavor profile that is perfect for sipping.
Upon roasting we can confirm that this coffee is a light, highly drinkable coffee that is wonderfully laden with hints of fruit punch, chocolate wafer and even a bit of ginger. Lastly, supporting smallholder farmers like Ture with highly equitable prices helps us live out our "Brew Good, Do Good" mission. Thank you for joining us on that journey!

 Shop Shoondhisa now.
